TIPSY BAKED BLACK BEANS - Not so Rootin' Tootin' Fare from PopArtDiva
I have always loved baked beans. My Dad loved baked beans as well and he made great baked beans which he and I would pretty much finish off because the rest of the family didn't like beans so much. Fine by me and Dad as we could finish off the entire pot in a day or two!
Dad always made a huge pot of baked beans whenever we grilled burgers or hot dogs. I would pile them on top of a potato chip and eat more beans than wieners. I guess baked beans were my version of bean dip.
Then I reached a "certain age" and beans began to cause me problems. I won't go into the details, just suffice to say eating beans before any type of social interaction was not something I could do anymore. This was in the days before Beano
and I was desolate. What good is a hot dog or hamburger without baked beans??
I was bean free for years until a neighbor introduced me to black beans, swearing up and down I would not be contributing to global warming by eating black beans. I tried a big bowl of her black beans and rice and, sure enough, I did not sound like a whoopee cushion
a few hours later! I was back in bean heaven. I was making potato salad for a cook out one day several years back and was fondly remembering my Dad's baked beans when it dawned on me I could use black beans for baked beans!!! I grabbed up my cans of black beans, a bottle of molasses and some Jack Daniels and ended up with this recipe. No more rootin' tootin' for PopArtDiva aka The Diva of Tiny Foods!
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