I just want to know why Todd Wilbur has THIRTEEN YEAR OLD TWINKIES??

I know, I know, I haven't given you a recipe for a while but I have been working really hard giving my pop culture art website, a makeover! It will be live by the end of this week so check it out! Then I'll get to work on some new recipes and cards!

Would it make you less mad at me for my lack of culinary freebies lately if I tell you that my own eating habits have pretty much included nothing but cereal, frozen dinners, lots of caffeine and some seriously sad food because of the 18 hour days at the computer? No? Well, kiss my grits to quote Flo from Mel's Diner! No Soup For You!

But I will give you a very funny video. . . . .

So, there's this really cute guy in Orange County (California) who will show you how to clone famous food! His name is Todd Wilbur aka "Food Cloner Dude" and he's got recipe videos for the Big Mac, Planet Hollywood's Chicken Crunch and even Starbuck's Cranberry Bliss Bar. But the best one by far is his video on how to clone a Twinkie!

I don't know why anyone would want to spend the time making junk food that you can get at Wally World for around three bucks, but his makeshift Twinkie pan is ingenious and I love how he tossed the high-end chi chi Twinkie pan aside. Oh, and wait 'til you see what he does with the petrified Twinkies! ROFLMAO!

The "Food Cloner Dude" is the best food show in town! Now watch the video and you'll understand my post title:

Buy Great Products that are not ten year old Twinkies at The DIVA of TINY FOODS Shoppe!

Image courtesy of Larry D. Moore under Creative Commons License

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