SALAD PIZZA - Why dirty two dishes??

THE SALAD (Margharita) PIZZA
Say what? A salad pizza? Why not, we eat pizza, we eat salad and lots of times we eat them together, right? So, why should I mess up two plates to enjoy them? Besides, if you've read this blog at all you know I'm a "lazy gourmet", I love good food but I don't like to spend all day making it or cleaning up after it.  I'm single, I'm self-employed and I work practically 24/7.  I'm always looking for cooking shortcuts.

Last night I was really hungry, it was 8:30 pm, I wanted to settle down to watch the premiere of the tenth season of Project Runway and munch on something good while I did it.  I wanted a Margherita Pizza but, because I'm lazy and work all the time, I didn't have the exact ingredients to make one. What I did have on hand was a great store brand garlic rosemary pizza dough, an assortment of shredded cheeses, some nice baby spinach, my fresh basil plant, a leek and some cute little heirloom tomatoes. Close enough!

Here's what I did:

Preheated the oven to 450 degrees.
Spread the pizza dough onto a lightly greased baking sheet.
Sprinkled a nice layer of cheese on top.
Popped it in the oven for 12 minutes.
Chopped up the baby spinach and fresh basil leaves.
Sliced up some nice thin pieces of leek.
Quartered up my baby heirlooms.
Mixed the greens up with some EVOO, Balsamic, splash of  orange juice.
Seasoned with sea salt, pepper & a dash of dried oregano.

By the time my salad was chopped up and ready and I had turned off the computer and turned on the TV, my pizza bread was baked and ready.  I was planning on putting the salad in a bowl and eating the pizza bread with it but when I cut the bread I took a small piece and threw some of the salad on top for a taste and it was a perfect little bite! Why bother with a fork? I tossed the salad on top of the pizza bread, grabbed my Project Runway "Make It Work" Martini and settled in to watch my beloved Tim Gunn and enjoy the cat fights on the runway.

 Tim, you would have been proud of me, I "MadeItWork" !!

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