I was really craving chocolate chip cookies the other day and was going to make some when I realized I didn't have any baking powder or soda. The classic Toll House cookies call for baking powder and I was hunting the internet for any chocolate chip cookie recipe that didn't (who was I kidding?) when I stumbled on the recipe below.

This one calls for pre-made chocolate chip cookie dough which I didn't have either so - no cookies for me - I just ate the chips alone to satisfy the chocolate craving but I'm still jonesing for cookies!

I wish I'd saved the location where I found it but I didn't, BUT I think these sound absolutely delish and I'm going to give them a try and see what I think. If any of you have tried this or something similar let me know.

In the meantime here's the recipe I shall be trying out as soon as I get the cookie dough. BTW, the only pre-made cookie dough worth buying is Nestles as far as I'm concerned:


2 pkgs. chocolate chip slice-n-bake cookies
2 lg. pkgs. cream cheese
1/2 c. sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
1 (13"x9") rectangular pan

Slice cookies thin and spread over bottom of pan. Mix together cream cheese, sugar, egg and vanilla. Spread mixture over cookie slices. Place rest of slices over top of cream cheese mixture. Bake in 350 degree oven for 30 to 35 minutes. Cool and refrigerate. Slice into bars.

Enjoy and let me know if you liked yours and I'll return the favor!


  1. Oh boy! I should learn to approach this site with caution because I know my mouth always starts to water with anticipation of great food ahead. This recipe sounds absolutely delicious and, hopefully, it's calorie free. Please say that's true, Ms. Pop Art. I'll believe you (of course!) and make up a batch this afternoon!

  2. They are most certainly calorie free - if you don't eat them.


Do you have a recipe you'd like to share? Do you like my recipes and my recipe cards? Let me know here - The Diva of Tiny Foods wants to know what you think!