MULLIGATAWNY SOUP SIPS - Chicken Curry Soup in a Demitasse Cup

It's going to start getting hot here as summer approaches so I'm going to use the last few days of cool evenings to enjoy one of my favorite soups, Mulligatawny Soup. It's a curry flavored chicken soup that's just delicious - right up in my top five soups.

I love chicken and curry together - you'll find another one of my favorite chicken/curry recipes here: Curried Chicken Salad (Tea Sandwiches).

I love to serve this as an appetizer or as part of an h'ors d'oeuvre buffet. I'll put it out in a large soup tureen and place demitasse cups or espresso cups nearby with some fun little spoons. If you want to have it "sip-able" be sure to dice all your ingredients smaller and cut your cook time down a bit to accommodate the smaller sizes.

Okay, I'm getting my home made chicken stock out of the freezer now - oh, btw, I make my own chicken stock and it's easy. Whenever you are trimming down your chicken toss the "spare parts" in a pot with a few carrots, celery and onion (mirepoix) and seasonings - you don't even have to cut the ingredients down - when it's "soup" let it cool, strain it into a freezer baggie and freeze. Voila, your scraps have become home made chicken stock!!

If you have a Tiny Food question, please feel free to ask me in a comment and I'll respond back here in the comments section or in a new post!

My Favorite Tiny Food Recipes at PopArtDiva.Com
All my recipes for food and drink at the PopArtDiva Bistro

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