Carol McManus TABLE TALK COOKBOOK - A Rave Review!

My friend, Carol McManus sent me her new cookbook, TABLE TALK - Food, Family, Love last week and it arrived just in time for me to try out a few recipes on my friends. I immediately started looking at the recipes and chose this one recipe for the entree - the Baked Italian Chicken. On the same page as this recipe was another one for Red Bliss Potatoes and I decided to do these to go with the chicken.

The chicken recipe was so simple and it included some of my favorite things like pesto, parmesan cheese and prosciutto (you know me, anything with pork is good!) Plus the way it's prepared almost guarantees a tender and really moist chicken breast. In fact, I had one extra piece left over and the next day I sliced it up and microwaved it for a minute and it was still running with juices and tender!!! Yeah, seriously - after microwaving!! (Oh quiet down, come on and admit you use a microwave too sometimes!)

I have to tell you this is a dish I'll do over and over again. My friends went nuts over how tender and juicy the chicken breasts were and they loved the crusty, aromatic and yummy finish Carol's recipe gives the chicken. They want the recipe - I'm not giving it to them but I might give them Carol's book as a gift - if they're nice and bring me another bottle of the great chianti they brought for the dinner!

I also loved the Red Bliss Potatoes (though I have to admit I had to substitute Yukon Golds), I love potatoes in almost any form but baked like this with crispy, carmelized skins - yum! And the leftover potatoes (I always cook more than I need) were perfect fried up for breakfast the next day!

Every recipe in this book is one that I'm going to try, the next one will be the Dr. Wheeler's Congo Bars - you should see the photo, it's making me crave chocolate right now!

This book has a recipe for everyone - including the kids - from muffins to meat, breakfast to dinner and there's also cooking tips and food quotes. Not only is this a great addition to anyone's cookbook shelf but it makes a really nice gift!

Take a look at the website - Table Talk Cookbook and grab a copy - if only to get this great Baked Italian Chicken recipe!! No, I'm not going to post the recipe!!! I want Carol to sell a billion books, write another one and send it to me for a review too - I'm selfish that way. Get your own copy!!

If you have a Tiny Food question, please feel free to ask me in a comment and I'll respond back here in the comments section or in a new post!

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  1. Pop Art Diva,

    I wanted to say thanks for sharing your review of Carol's cookbook.
    Just to let you know the Conga Bars are SOOOO good!! All the recipes I have made from Carol's cookbook, Table Talk have been delicious. Enjoy!
    You can read my review too at

    In Unity,

    Teresa Morrow

  2. Teresa - those Conga bars looked good! Like I said, they're my next adventure with Carol's book!


Do you have a recipe you'd like to share? Do you like my recipes and my recipe cards? Let me know here - The Diva of Tiny Foods wants to know what you think!