For those of you who subscribed to my posts via e-mail recently:
  • You may have gotten a subscription to another of my blogs
  • I messed up and put in the wrong code on some of my blogs
  • I am an ashamed Diva
  • I have fixed this error
  • PLEASE RESUBSCRIBE via the e-mail or rss feed
  • You will now get a subscription to THIS blog
  • I'm an idiot and I'm sorry!
  • You may beat me with a blogging stick 50 times
  • Okay, I said 50 times - you can stop now!
  • I will forgo chocolate for the entire day to make amends!
Seriously, I am very sorry for this mistake and hope you will forgive me and continue to visit. I value each and every visitor and subscriber to my blogs, and I will endeavor to bring you fun, informative and delicious DIVA content without error in the future.

Terri, aka PopArtDiva, The Martini Diva, The DIVA of TINY FOODS ,The Normal Challenged Artist, The DIVA of DIVAVILLE

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